How Cold is Mt Everest?

Understanding Mt Everest’s Extreme Weather Conditions

Situated at the staggering height of 8848 M above sea level, Everest is extremely difficult. How cold is it on Mt Everest? This is the frequently asked question by beginners. The mountain presents a formidable challenge.

The first person to step on the top of a mountain was British Mountaineer Sir Edmund Hillary, who conquered Everest without proper knowledge of its temperature. Everest is said to be one of the coldest places on earth.

How cold is Mt Everest at the top? or how cold is the top of Mt Everest? can be estimated by observing the temperature as it drops to minus 60 degrees Celsius (that’s minus 76 degrees Fahrenheit) at the peak.While trekking in Nepal, adventurers can feel the chill of Mount Everest’s cold, even before they see its snowy peak.

Experience the adventure and beauty of Everest Base Camp trek and continue your climb to the top.

To climb Mount Everest is to face the extreme cold, where the air is so frosty it can turn your breath into ice.The primary reason behind Everest’s extremely freezing temperatures is altitude. As you climb higher, the atmosphere thins. The winds can reach hurricane speeds, exceeding 200 kilometers per hour, and significantly increase the windchill factor which makes it feel even colder than the actual air temperature.

What is Meant by the “Death Zone” of the Mountain?

The “Death Zone” refers to the region on Mount Everest above 8,000 meters (26,247 feet). This area is incredibly dangerous due to the lack of oxygen, extreme cold, and high wind speeds. The term “Death Zone” highlights the perilous conditions that make survival nearly impossible for extended periods.

In the Death Zone, the atmospheric pressure is so low that the amount of oxygen available is insufficient to sustain human life. At this altitude, climbers experience severe physiological stress. The body cannot acclimate to such low oxygen levels, leading to life-threatening conditions like high-altitude cerebral edema (HACE) and high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE).

Other dangers in the Death Zone include frostbite and snow blindness. Frostbite occurs due to the extreme cold, causing damage to skin and tissues, while snow blindness results from the sun’s intense glare reflecting off the snow and ice.

Most fatalities on Everest occur in the Death Zone, often during the descent from the summit. The physical weakening and impaired vision can lead to accidental falls, and climbers may become too exhausted to continue moving.

Everest Basecamp and Summit Average Temperatures

Everest Temperatures
Month Everest Basecamp Avg Temp (°C) Everest Summit Avg Temp (°C)
January -17 -37
February -15 -35
March -10 -32
April -5 -28
May 0 -26
June 5 -19
July 10 -19
August 5 -19
September 0 -26
October -5 -30
November -10 -34
December -15 -36

Everest is always frigid. However, temperatures take a dramatic plunge, especially in winter. During the summer season, trekkers can expect temperatures around -19°C (-3°F) and lows dipping to -32°C (-26°F). It’s the preferable season for the hikers which offers a relatively comfortable trekking experience compared to winter.

Winter (December to February) is freezing. Temperatures can rise up to a shocking -60°C (-76°F) or even lower. The strong winds make it feel even colder. Climbing is super dangerous during this time. Spring and autumn are in-between settings on the freezer. The weather can be unpredictable, with some days feeling more like winter and others a bit more like summer.

What are the Factors Influencing Temperature on Mt. Everest?

The main culprit is altitude and winds. As you climb higher, the air thins, holding less heat from the sun. This phenomenon, called the lapse rate, makes temperatures plummet with increasing elevation.

Altitude and Its Impact on Temperature

As you ascend, the atmosphere thins. This means that the average temperature decreases with increasing altitude. Typically, it’s around 6-10 degrees Celsius (9-18 degrees Fahrenheit) for every kilometer you climb. So, the higher you go, the faster the temperature drops.

Weather Patterns and Variations Throughout the Year

Everest isn’t a land of constant, brutal cold and unpredictable. There are only some small windows of warmth. Summer (June-August) is slightly less frigid. It is the climbing season due to somewhat calmer winds and slightly warmer temperatures.

The good news is it’s usually sunny at the top. But It’s also incredibly cold, with most days well below freezing. In fact, it can get as cold as -60°C (-76°F) in winter (December-February). Spring and autumn are shoulder seasons with unpredictable conditions, offering a mix of winter’s harshness and summer’s relative leniency.

Wind Chills

Mount Everest is frigid, it’s a well-known fact but there’s more to the story than just the air temperature. Wind chill plays a major role in making Everest feel even colder than it actually is.

High-altitude winds, often exceeding 200 kilometers per hour, can significantly increase the perceived coldness. Imagine it’s a chilly -20°C (-4°F) day on Everest. Well, with strong winds whipping across the mountain at over 200 kilometers per hour, that -20°C can feel like a bone-numbing -40°C (-40°F) or even lower.

Mount Everest Wind Chill Table

Wind Chill Effects on Mount Everest Temperatures

Air Temperature (°C) Wind Speed (km/h) Perceived Temperature (°C)
-20 0 -20
-20 50 -30
-20 100 -35
-20 150 -38
-20 200 -40

What is the Average Temperature on Mt. Everest?

Everest is extremely brutal and freezing but how cold does it actually get on the “roof of the world”? Buckle up, the average temperature on Everest varies depending on altitude and season. However, a general estimate is around -30°C (-22°F).

How Cold is the Top of Mt Everest?

The top of Mt Everest is probably one of the oldest places on the earth. Now imagine stepping on such an iconic mountain whose average temperature is jaw-dropping -36°C (-33°F). That’s enough to make your teeth chatter and your fingers go numb in seconds.

But wait, it gets even colder during the harsh winter months, temperatures on Everest can plummet to a shocking -60°C (-76°F). That’s colder than the average freezer temperature, and surviving it for even a short period requires serious protection and preparation.

How Does Extreme Cold Impact the Human Body During Climbs on Mt. Everest?

Everybody has different levels of endurance and willingness. Extreme cold has a severe impact on the human body during Everest climbs. Hypothermia is a constant risk, where the body loses heat faster than it can produce it, leading to shivering, confusion, and eventually death. When exposed to extreme cold skin and tissues can freeze, causing permanent damage.

People often ask how cold is Mount Everest, and it’s really, really cold—so cold that you could feel like a snowman!Cold air makes it harder to breathe, further impacting climbers already struggling with thin air at high altitudes. Be well informed about the symptoms caused due to extremely cold temperatures.

how cold is mt everest-tidy himalaya

What is the Record of Low Temperature?

The lowest temperature ever recorded on Everest is a bone-chilling -60°C (-76°F). That’s colder than the average freezer setting. This record highlights the extreme environment climbers face on the top of the world. It’s a place where the human body is pushed to its absolute limit, and even a small miscalculation can have deadly consequences.

How Hard Is It To Climb Mount Everest in Extreme Cold?

Everest may be a dream destination, but it’s a dream that comes with a price tag. The first challenge will be maintaining physical strength at such a height. Everest isn’t just cold, the temperature can stiffen muscles, making even basic movements like climbing and walking incredibly difficult. Exerting yourself in such a harsh environment is mentally draining, making it harder to focus and concentrate. This can lead to poor decision-making and an increased risk of mistakes, which can be deadly on Everest.

Enduring the cold and maintaining stability at the same time makes technical climbing tasks much harder. Setting up camp, using essential climbing gear like ropes and ice axes, and performing even routine maintenance becomes difficult when your fingers are numb and your movements are stiff. This can significantly slow down climbers and add to the overall danger of the ascent.

The climb itself is no walk in the park. Climbers must navigate crevasses, use specialized equipment like ice axes and ropes, and make their way across challenging terrain – all while battling the elements and their own exhaustion.

What are the Survival Strategies?

Climbers employ various strategies to survive Everest’s harsh cold:

  • Advanced clothing with multiple layers, insulated boots, and weatherproof shells are crucial for retaining heat.
  • Gradual ascent allows the body to adjust to the decreasing temperatures and thinning air.
  • Movement generates some heat, helping climbers stay warm.
  • Eating enough high-calorie food provides the body with fuel to generate heat.
  • Climbers rely on each other to monitor for signs of cold stress and assist with tasks.

What is the Impact of Climate Change on Mt. Everest’s Temperature?

Climate change is causing a rise in global temperatures, but Mt. Everest seems to be experiencing a different trend. The temperature at the top of Everest is so low that it’s like being inside a freezer, making it one of the coldest places you can ever stand!Imagine a cold day with a strong breeze; it feels much colder than the actual temperature. This windchill could make Everest feel even harsher for climbers, despite any changes in the air temperature itself.

A colder Everest due to windchill could pose a greater danger to climbers. The risk of frostbite and hypothermia could increase, and avalanches could become more likely.

Changes in snowfall patterns can also be seen, which could make the mountain less stable and increase the risk of accidents.


The recorded all-time low on Mount Everest is a bone-chilling -60°C (-76°F). This frigid temperature highlights the mountain’s extreme environment.

Staying warm on Everest is a constant battle. Specialized clothing, proper layering, and staying active all play a crucial role. However, even with the best gear, the extreme cold and windchill can make it difficult to stay truly comfortable.

Yes, there is significantly less oxygen on Mount Everest due to its high altitude. The air pressure drops as you climb, meaning there are fewer oxygen molecules available for your body to use. This is why climbers experience difficulty breathing and often require supplemental oxygen.

Everest is always frigid, but there are slight variations depending on the season. Summers offer a slight relief, with highs occasionally reaching -19°C (-3°F). However, winters are brutally harsh, with temperatures regularly dipping below -60°C (-76°F).

If you experience cold-related health issues like hypothermia while climbing Everest, immediate descent is critical. Climbers should be trained to recognize the symptoms and take swift action to seek shelter and warmth. Medical attention is often necessary in such situations.

The “death zone” refers to the region above 8,000 meters on Mount Everest. The atmosphere here is so thin that it’s nearly impossible for the human body to survive for extended periods. The lack of oxygen and extreme cold make this zone especially dangerous for climbers.

Sujan Manandhar

Sujan Manandhar has built a remarkable career in Himalayan adventure since 2008. With over 16 years of experience, he is dedicated to offering travelers personalized, authentic, and unforgettable journeys in the Himalayas. Sujan's love for the mountains began when he worked as a porter, gaining deep insight into the trekking terrain. Motivated by a passion for sharing Nepal's unique experiences, he founded his own company, focusing on trekking, climbing, and adventure tours. His commitment to excellence led him to become a certified trekking guide, imparting his extensive knowledge and enthusiasm for the region to many visitors.
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