
Upper Mustang Trek

17 Days
9 Reviews in TripAdvisor Recommended by 99%
  • Hotel & Guesthouse
  • English
  • March to May & Sep to Dec
  • 4010 M
  • Kathmandu
  • Eco-Tour, Hiking, Trekking
  • 2-20

Upper Mustang Trek Highlight

  • Discover the ancient Tibetan Buddhist culture in the hidden kingdom of Lo Mustang, with its centuries-old monasteries, chortens, and traditional villages.
  • Trek through the unique terrain of the Mustang region, characterized by red and orange cliffs, deep gorges, and the barren yet striking Tibetan Plateau.
  • Visit the walled city of Lo Manthang, a cultural and historical gem, where time seems to stand still.
  • : Reach altitudes up to 4,200 meters, with stunning views from Mustang La and other high passes, offering a thrilling experience for both beginners and seasoned trekkers.
  • Enjoy the trek during the mild and dry spring and autumn seasons, with clear skies and comfortable temperatures ideal for trekking.
  • Stay in traditional tea houses or luxury lodges, with meals featuring hearty local dishes like Dal Bhat and fresh vegetables.

Upper Mustang Trek Overview

The Upper Mustang Trek is like stepping into a hidden world, where ancient Tibetan culture and stunning landscapes meet. Nestled in a restricted region of Nepal, this trek is a journey through the remote, culturally rich area of Upper Mustang. Imagine walking through the ancient kingdom of Lo Mustang, surrounded by breathtaking Himalayan views and the unique charm of Tibetan Buddhist culture. As you explore traditional villages and ancient monasteries, you’ll feel like you’re in a world frozen in time.

Best Seasons to Visit
If you’re planning your adventure, the best time to go is during spring or autumn. The weather is just right—mild and dry, with clear skies and comfortable temperatures, especially in early spring and late autumn.

Trek Route and Duration
The journey typically starts in Pokhara, with treks ranging from 15 to 17 days, depending on your fitness level. The official trek kicks off in Jomsom or Kagbeni, which you can reach by a short flight from Pokhara to Jomsom. Most trekkers follow the Kali Gandaki River, leading you through some of the most stunning scenery, including the walled city of Lo Manthang, the ancient Tsarang Monastery, and the dramatic Mustang desert. Whether you’re a seasoned trekker or a beginner, the Upper Mustang Trek offers something for everyone.

Altitude and Terrain
The highest point of this trek is at Mustang La, sitting at an impressive 5,643 meters. Most of the trek takes place above 3,000 meters, with the starting point in Jomsom already at 2,743 meters. You’ll trek through elevations ranging from 3,500 to 3,800 meters, with passes like Chogo La and Yara La taking you above 4,000 meters. Because of the high altitude, this trek requires extra strength, caution, and preparation.

Why Is Upper Mustang Famous?

Upper Mustang is renowned for its rich cultural heritage and striking natural beauty. Once part of the ancient Kingdom of Lo, the region retains much of its Tibetan Buddhist culture. You’ll see it in the monasteries, chortens, and prayer flags scattered across the landscape. The area’s isolation has helped preserve its traditional way of life, with many residents still following ancient customs. Plus, the unique geography—marked by red and orange cliffs, deep gorges, and the barren Tibetan Plateau—makes Upper Mustang one of the most unique trekking destinations in Nepal.

Permits and Preparation

To trek in Upper Mustang, you’ll need a few permits:

  • Restricted Area Permit (RAP): Mandatory for all foreign trekkers.
  • Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP): Required for entering the Annapurna region.
  • Trekkers’ Information Management System (TIMS) Card: Essential for safety and trekking management.

Permits can be obtained in Kathmandu or online before your trip. When packing, remember that the high altitudes require warm clothing, sturdy hiking boots, and essential trekking gear. Whether you choose a guided trek for support and cultural insights or plan independently for flexibility, being well-prepared is key.

Challenges of the Upper Mustang Trek

The Upper Mustang Trek is moderate but comes with its challenges. The biggest one is the altitude. As you climb up to 4,200 meters (13,780 feet), the air gets thinner, making altitude sickness a real concern. That’s why proper acclimatization is crucial—take your time and let your body adjust. The terrain is rugged, with rocky paths and steep ascents and descents that can be tough on your knees.

The region’s climate also adds to the difficulty. Upper Mustang lies in the rain shadow of the Himalayas, making it dry and dusty, with little vegetation. The sun can be intense, and strong winds, especially in the Kali Gandaki Valley, can be relentless. However, with good preparation, including the right gear and plenty of water, these challenges make the trek even more rewarding. The stunning views and rich cultural experiences are well worth the effort.

Routes and Terrain of Mustang Trek

There are different routes to explore Upper Mustang, with the classical routes being safer than the more challenging options like Chogo La Pass and the Tsum Valley. The trek involves a mix of ascents and descents, high passes, and diverse terrain. Depending on the season, you might encounter rocky paths, dust, and even snow, all of which can impact your trekking experience.

Costs of the Upper Mustang Trek

The cost of the Upper Mustang Trek offered by Tidy Himalaya starts from $2,350/ Adult for a 17-day trek, which is considerably more affordable than other travel agencies. We also offer customization options and group discounts.

Here’s a breakdown of the costs involved in the Upper Mustang Trek:

  • Mustang Restricted Area Permit (RAP): Around USD 500 for the first 10 days, with an additional USD 50 per person per extra day.
  • Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP): Approximately USD 30 per person for adults and USD 10 for children under 12.
  • Trekking Guide: Not mandatory, but highly recommended. Expect to pay around USD 25-40 per day, covering their food, accommodations, and salary.
  • Porters: Optional but helpful, especially for carrying heavy bags. Daily rates are similar to guides, around USD 20-30, including their expenses.

Accommodation and Food in Upper Mustang Trek

During the trek, tea houses are the primary accommodation option. The cost varies depending on location, facilities, and the season, typically ranging from USD 10-20 per night. If you prefer more comfort, luxury lodges are available but at a higher price.

Meals are usually included in your guide or teahouse stay. Expect basic but filling meals like Dal Bhat (lentil soup and rice), vegetables, and occasionally meat. Snacks and bottled water are extra. And don’t forget to tip your guide and porter—10-15% of their wages is a good starting point.

Final Thoughts

The Upper Mustang Trek is more than just a trek; it’s an adventure into a world that few get to experience. It’s challenging but deeply rewarding, offering a unique glimpse into a region rich in culture and natural beauty. Whether it’s the landscapes, the culture, or the thrill of adventure that draws you in, this trek will leave you with memories that last a lifetime.

If our Upper Mustang Trek itinerary isn’t quite right for you, let us craft a custom plan that matches your unique preferences. Contact us today to design your perfect trek and start your unforgettable journey in Nepal.

Upper Mustang Trek Itinerary

Max Altitude: 1,400 meters
Hours: Arrival time varies
Meals: No meals included
Distance: 6 km
One of our employees will meet you at the airport and take you to your hotel so you can check-in. Our airport representative will go over the program's specifics in more detail. Spend the night at the hotel, which includes breakfast.

Max Altitude: 1,400 meters
Hours: 4-5 Kathmandu
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch
Accommodation: Hotel in Kathmandu

Our sightseeing tour of the Kathmandu Valley includes important cultural and traditional sites like Pashupatinath Temple, Swayambhunath Temple, Boudhanath Stupa, and Kathmandu Durbar Square. Explore the history, the sculptures, the paintings, and a quick overview of Nepal. Spend the night at the hotel in Kathmandu and have breakfast.

Max Altitude: 910 meters
Hours: 6-7 hours drive
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch
Accommodation: Hotel in Pokhara
Distance: 200 km

Get ready to meet Pokhara. Despite the lengthy route the journey to Pokhara is fascinating and scenic. Upon arrival, you will be taken to the Pokhara Hotel to check in. Enjoy a boat ride on Fewa Lake in the sunset, and consider taking a picture of the Annapurna Range and Mount Machhapuchhre. it reflects the calm water and beauty of nature. Spend the night at the hotel, which includes breakfast.

Max Altitude: 2720 meters
Hours: 20 minutes flight and 3 hours trek
Meals: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner included
Accommodation: Hotel/Guesthouse
Distance: 10-11 km

Passing across the snow-capped peaks of Dhaulagiri and Annapurna we continue our morning flight to Jomsom. Witness the views of the deepest river valley, Annapurna massifs reaching over 8,000 meters, and breathtaking diverse landscapes.
The trek to the Upper Mustang trip begins from Kagbeni in Jomsom. Situated at an elevation of 2,800 meters, Kagbeni hamlet is the primary gate to Upper Mustang. It was a checkpost for traders in the 14th century. A checkpoint is still in place to manage the people leaving for Mustang and Muktinath. Spend the night in a guesthouse, which includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner

Max Altitude: 3050 meters
Hours: 5-6 hours
Meals: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner included
Accommodation: Guesthouse
Distance: 13 km

Today’s trek Starts from Kagbeni, a gateway town to Upper Mustang. Following the Kali Ganda River, the deepest gorge in the world, witness the beautiful Nilgiri and tukche. The trek to Chele is mostly flat with some ups and downs. Enjoy the sight of traditional villages, mini walls, and shortens along the way. After hiking for several hours we finally reached Chele village. Spend the night at a guest house and enjoy the night with a tasty breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Max Altitude: 3570 meters
Hours: 5-6 hours
Meals: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner included
Accommodation: Guesthouse
Distance: 19 km

Witness some dramatic scenery, and climb a dry, treeless landscape reaching a high point marked by a pole of rocks at 3540 meters. Slowly hike down to a small village called Samar and enjoy the mountain views along the way. Continuing the climb followed by steep we cross a beautiful valley of Shyangmochen at 3770 meters. This final push leads us to our destination Geling Village. Rest your legs and enjoy a delicious meal.

Max Altitude: 3560 meters
Hours: 7-8 hours
Meals: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner included
Accommodation: Guesthouse
Distance: 16 km

After a rest in Geling, we start the day with a gentle climb to the NYl La Pass. Witness the colorful cliffs and pass the steel bridge over the Tangmar Chu River. We'll tackle another pass at 3,600 meters before beginning a long, gentle descent to the village of Charang. Charang is a sight to behold! Its massive five-story white Dzong (fortress) and red Gompa (monastery) are truly impressive. Inside, you can discover fascinating collections of statues, colorful paintings, and even large images of the Buddha. Rest your legs in this impressive village.

Max Altitude: 3810 meters
Hours: 4-5 hours
Meals: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner included
Accommodation: Guesthouse
Distance: 12 km

Today's trek takes us on a steady climb up to Lo-Gekar. Take a moment and explore its history and soak in the atmosphere. We continue our journey towards Lo-manthang, the walled city. The trail to Lo Manthang is well-marked and involves some manageable climbs. While passing, keep an eye out for unique architecture. Make a short descent, cross a refreshing stream, and finally climb onto the Lo-Manthang. Rest a night at the guesthouse and refuel with the delicious, meal.

Max Altitude: 3930 meters
Hours: 4-6 hours
Meals: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner included
Accommodation: Guesthouse
Distance: 3-4 km

Get ready for your morning hike to Namgyal Gompa, perched on a hilltop. Our adventure continues to Tingkhar, known as the last village northwest of Lo-Manthang. With only around 40 houses, it promises a unique and intimate experience. Soak in the local atmosphere and discover what life is like in this remote village. Explore both Namgyal Gompa and Tingkhar and head back to Lo-Manthang. Here our cozy guesthouse waits. Enjoy a delicious breakfast, lunch, and dinner included made with love.

Max Altitude: 3820 meters
Hours: 5-6 hours
Meals: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner included
Accommodation: Guesthouse
Distance: 17 km

Today trek ascends with a steady ascent, offering one last chance to admire the beauty of Lo-Manthang. Get ready to conquer Chogo La, and explore the highest point of our entire upper Mustang journey at 4210 meters. Enjoy the incredible panoramas from the top. The adventure continues with the walk across a beautiful valley. Finally, we’ll descend a steep to reach our destination for the night in Drakmar. Relax and refuel in a cozy hotel for the next day.

Max Altitude: 3800 meters
Hours: 5-6 hours
Meals: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner included
Accommodation: Guesthouse
Distance: 12-14 km

The trail hits down hills, passing Drakmar’s fields and stone walls. After climbing uphill, you reach a lower area called Ghani, then stop at Chhung-Kah passing Jaite. The trail continues until you reach Sgmochen. Rest a night in a guesthouse with food (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) included.

Max Altitude: 2980 meters
Hours: 6 hours
Meals: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner included
Accommodation: Guesthouse
Distance: 11-12 km

Follow a refreshing stream down to Chhusang and enjoy the challenges throughout the trek. Trek walking among side with the water and listening to a gentle breeze. Take a longer route in just 30 minutes that leads to Samar. After the trek, rest in a comfortable guesthouse in Chhusang.

Max Altitude: 3760 meters
Hours: 7 hours
Meals: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner included
Accommodation: Guesthouse
Distance: 15-18 km

Today’s treks follow the short trek to Chhusang village. We keep ascending until we reach a small pass from where we can see Muktinath famous also for the red-painted Buddhist Monasteries. There will be a bit of an ascent as you make your way towards the villages leading to Muktinath. As you walk through these villages, keep an eye out for the "Saligrams," which are considered sacred by Hindus and Buddhists. It offers a terrific view of the Annapurna, Dhaulagiri, and Tukuche Himalayan ranges. Overnight stay at a guesthouse and enjoy breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Max Altitude: 2720 meters
Hours: 6 hours
Meals: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner included
Accommodation: Guesthouse
Distance: 20-25 km

Muktinath is one of the most holy places for Hindu pilgrims. It is an important place for both Buddhists and Hindus. We will visit Muktinath Temple and enjoy the magnificent views of Dhaulagiri Peak in the morning. The water spouts channeled into the stream running above the temple hold its importance. There is also a beautiful Buddhist Monastery near the Muktinath temple which holds its charm. Continuing the trek back to Jomsom, The views of the Kaligandaki Valley and Kagbeni village truly overwhelm you. We pass through the Ekle Bhatti and arrive at Jomsom. Celebrate the completion of the trek and enjoy breakfast, lunch, and dinner with all the trekking staff.

Max Altitude: 910 meters
Hours: 20-25 minutes
Meals: Breakfast included
Accommodation: Hotel in Pokhara
Distance: 12-14 km

Bid farewell to Jomsong and trek back to Pokhara. Enjoy the charming lakeside views in Pokhara. Spend your extra time and do whatever you desire. Spend the night in a comfortable hotel with breakfast included.

Max Altitude: 1400 meters
Hours: 6-7 hours drive
Meals: Breakfast Included
Accommodation: Hotel in Kathmandu
Distance: 200 km

Today our trek ends here and we fall back to Kathmandu from Pokhara. Overnight stay at a hotel-breakfast included.

Day 17 :

Max Altitude: 1400 meters
Hours: 30 minutes
Meals: Breakfast Included
Distance: 5-6 km

A representative from Tidy Himalaya will bid you, approximately 3 hours before your flight.

Cost Includes

  • Airport transfers–pick up and drop
  • All ground transportation
  • Your accommodation in a 3-star category hotel in Kathmandu and Pokhara with a breakfast plan
  • Your accommodation in the best guesthouses available (on a twin sharing basis) during the trek with breakfast, lunch, and dinner throughout the Upper Mustang trekking journey.
  • All paper works
  • National park and heritage sites entry tickets
  • Trekkers Information Management System (TIMS) and trekking permits
  • A licensed, English-speaking, experienced guide along with a porter (1 for two clients)
  • All the costs of guide and porter, including accidental insurance
  • Duffel bag, and sleeping bags (to be returned to us after the trek)
  • T-shirts, route map, and a travel completion certificate
  • All applicable government taxes and service charges.
  • First aid kit

Cost Excludes

  • Meals (lunch and dinner) in Kathmandu and Pokhara
  • International airfare
  • Nepalese Tourist Visa costs
  • Travel Insurance
  • Personal refreshment items like cold drinks, snacks, etc.
  • Personal utility items like laundry, telephone expenses, electricity charges, etc.
  • Personal trekking gear
  • Tips for guides and porters

Packing list of the Mustang Trek

When preparing for the Upper Mustang Trek, it’s essential to pack wisely to ensure you have the necessary items for a comfortable and safe trekking experience. Here’s a packing list to consider:


  • Layers below: shirts and pants that are breathable and wick away moisture.
  • Layers of insulation: For warmth, wear down or fleece jackets.
  • Shell exterior: Pants and jacket that are wind- and water-resistant.
  • Trekking pants and shorts.
  • T-shirts and long-sleeved shirts.
  • Warm hat, gloves, and neck gaiter.
  • Hiking socks and thermal socks.


  • Sturdy and comfortable hiking boots with ankle support.
  • Lightweight trekking sandals or sneakers for evenings and rest days.
  • Extra pairs of socks for rotation.


  • Backpack (30-40 liters) for carrying your essentials.
  • Sleeping bag suitable for cold temperatures.
  • Trekking poles for stability and reducing strain on your joints.
  • Headlamp with spare batteries.
  • Sunglasses with UV protection.
  • Sun hat and sunscreen.
  • Water bottles or hydration bladder.
  • Lightweight and quick-drying towel.


  • First aid kit with basic medications, bandages, and blister treatment.
  • Personal toiletries and wet wipes.
  • Snacks and energy bars for the trek.
  • Waterproof bags or dry sacks for keeping your belongings dry.
  • Cash for permits, snacks, and tipping.

It’s important to pack light and prioritize essentials while considering the weight restrictions for domestic flights and the limited space in your backpack. Layering your clothing is crucial to adapt to changing temperatures throughout the trek. Also, remember to check the weather forecast before packing to ensure you are adequately prepared for the conditions.

Learn details on where to buy trekking gears on Nepal.

FAQs on Upper Mustang Trek

When to Trek Upper Mustang?

The pre-monsoon (March to May) and post-monsoon (September to November) seasons are the ideal times to traverse Upper Mustang. These times of calm weather and bright skies offer the nicest views of the surrounding landscapes. The area is accessible all year round because of its location in the Himalayan rain shadow, which results in less rainfall even during the monsoon season. Still, the recommended seasons provide the most pleasant trekking conditions.

Why was the Upper Mustang region restricted?

Upper Mustang was restricted to preserve its unique culture and environment. The region’s remote location and political sensitivities with Tibet also contributed to its restricted access. It was only opened to trekkers in 1992.

Why is the Upper Mustang trek more expensive than other treks of the same length?

The Upper Mustang trek is more expensive due to the restricted area permit, which costs $500 for the first ten days. Additionally, the remote location and limited infrastructure increase the cost of logistics and supplies.

Is a private trek in the Upper Mustang possible?

Absolutely! A private trek in Upper Mustang is possible and a popular choice for those looking to tailor their experience. By opting for a private trek, you can enjoy a more personalized journey, with the flexibility to set your own pace and explore the region with a guide and porter dedicated to your needs. Trekking agencies in Nepal can easily arrange this, ensuring you have the needed support and expertise.

How challenging is the Upper Mustang trek?

The Upper Mustang trek is moderately challenging, with the main difficulties stemming from the high altitude, rugged trails, and strong winds that sweep through the region. The highest point on the trek reaches about 4,200 meters (13,780 feet), which can be challenging for those not acclimatized to such elevations. However, with proper preparation, a good level of fitness, and adequate acclimatization, most trekkers find the journey both manageable and rewarding.

How many days is the Upper Mustang trek?

The Upper Mustang trek typically spans 15 to 17 days, depending on your itinerary. This timeframe includes several days for acclimatization, which is essential due to the high altitude and ample time to explore the cultural and historical sites in the region, particularly in the ancient walled city of Lo Manthang.

Do I need a guide for the Upper Mustang?

Although trekking without a guide is possible, it is advised. A guide can assure safety, help with navigation, and offer cultural insights—especially in this far-flung area.

What is the best season for Upper Mustang?

The best seasons for trekking in Upper Mustang are during the pre-monsoon (March to May) and post-monsoon (September to November) periods when the weather is stable and visibility is clear.

When should I visit the Upper Mustang?

The spring (March through May) and fall (September through November) seasons are the ideal times to visit Upper Mustang. These are the best times to go hiking because of the steady weather, bright skies, and comfortable temperatures. Conversely, winter brings intense cold and snow, which complicates and limits the trek.

How much is the Upper Mustang trek in Nepal?

The Upper Mustang trek can cost between $1,500 and $2,500 per person, depending on factors such as the length of the trek, accommodations, and whether you’re trekking with a guide or independently.

Where does Upper Mustang start?

The Upper Mustang trek typically starts in Jomsom, a town in the Kali Gandaki Valley accessible by flight from Pokhara.

What is the altitude of the Upper Mustang?

The altitude of the Upper Mustang ranges from about 2,800 meters (9,186 feet) at Kagbeni to over 4,200 meters (13,780 feet) at the highest passes along the trek.

How much are Mustang fees?

The restricted area permit for Upper Mustang costs $500 for the first ten days and $50 for each additional day. An Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) permit costs $30.

What language do they speak in the Upper Mustang?

In Upper Mustang, the primary language spoken is Tibetan, reflecting the region’s deep cultural ties to Tibet. Although some residents also speak Nepali, English is not widely spoken, especially in the more isolated places. Knowing a few simple words in Tibetan or Nepali is beneficial, or you can go with a guide who can help with communication.

What animals are in the Upper Mustang?

Upper Mustang is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts, home to several fascinating species. Among them are the elusive snow leopard, the agile blue sheep, and the majestic Himalayan griffon vulture. The area also boasts a variety of bird species, making it an excellent spot for birdwatchers.

What is the Upper Mustang also called?

Upper Mustang is often referred to as the “Last Forbidden Kingdom.” This name reflects its historical status as a restricted region, once part of the isolated Kingdom of Lo, where traditions and customs have been preserved almost unchanged for centuries.

How far is Kathmandu from Mustang?

The distance from Kathmandu to Mustang (Jomsom) is approximately 375 kilometers (233 miles) by air and road. The journey typically involves a flight to Pokhara and another flight to Jomsom.

What is the weather like on the Upper Mustang trek?

The weather in Upper Mustang is generally dry, with temperatures ranging from excellent to cold, depending on the season. Because the area is under the Himalayan rain shadow, it receives minimal rainfall.

What is the story of the Upper Mustang?

Upper Mustang was once part of the ancient Kingdom of Lo, an autonomous region with strong cultural ties to Tibet. It remained isolated and largely unknown to the outside world until it was opened to trekkers in 1992. The area is known for its unique culture, stunning landscapes, and ancient monasteries.

What is the name of the village in Upper Mustang?

The walled capital of the old Kingdom of Lo, Lo Manthang, is the most well-known town in Upper Mustang. Some more noteworthy towns are Tsarang, Chele, and Kagbeni.

What Is the Beauty of the Upper Mustang?

The beauty of Upper Mustang lies in its stark and dramatic landscapes, which are unlike any other in Nepal. The region’s desert-like terrain, with its multicolored rock formations and deep ravines, contrasts sharply with the lower Annapurna region’s lush green valleys and snow-capped peaks.
Beyond its physical beauty, Upper Mustang is also culturally rich. Ancient monasteries, caves, and the walled city of Lo Manthang offer glimpses into a way of life that has remained unchanged for centuries.

Upper Mustang Trek Map

Traveler Reviews

These genuine and honest reviews are provided by travelers who have previously journeyed with Tidy Himalaya and its team. The testimonials and firsthand experiences showcased here are sourced from well-known travel platforms such as TripAdvisor, Google, Facebook, and Trust Pilot etc.

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Upper Mustang Trek
From $2,350
/ Adult
  • Best Price Guaranteed
  • No Booking Fees
  • Professional Local Guide